Solve the following problems using both long division and synthetic division when possible. Long and synthetic division of polynomials long and synthetic division are two ways to divide one polynomial the dividend by another polynomial the divisor. Long and synthetic division of polynomials long and synthetic division are two ways to divide one polynomial the dividend. If one of the terms is missing, you must put a placeholder of 0 in its place. Refer to page 506 in your textbook for more examples. You set up the division symbol, inserted the two numbers where they belonged, and then started making guesses. You would be given one number that you had to divide into another number. You can also customize them using the generator below. Make sure that the polynomial is in descending order standard form. Write the remainder as a rational expression remainderdivisor. This video shows you the difference between synthetic division and long division. Long division worksheets for grades 46 homeschool math. Using synthetic divison, state if the given binomial is a factor of the given polynomial.
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